As you all know Cita is a simplified scheduling platform that would smoothen your work-flow. The normal old-fashioned method of getting your clients to reach out to you is emails and phone calls. Cita is actually a revolutionary product that was designed to navigate time and secure opportunities for you and your brand. Integrating with websites is the exclusive feature that Cita brings to the table. It is that amazing game changing feature you didn’t know you needed. Let us explain why.

What does Cita do for you ?
Cita simply manages your appointments, meetings and calls much better. You can entrust Cita to increase your efficiency as a professional and as a brand. Cita will make sure that you never miss an appointment. Your clients, customers, your co-workers or anybody who would want to have a meeting with you, can book the meeting without exchanging a half a million of emails and calls. You know, these confirmation calls are annoying and time consuming. Cita takes care of it. Also rescheduling and cancelling bookings are made so much easier with Cita.
What hassles would go away after Cita ?
First, what are the major hassles you face when it comes to scheduling a meeting or an appointment with someone? You have to call or email them and ask for their free time slots. Then you have to call everybody else and confirm with them if the selected time slot is good for them. Then you have to send out more emails or calls confirming that the meeting is happening for sure. Finally you might want to remind them of the meeting too. A long process that would cost you at least a half a day. With Cita, all your clients/customers or anybody else who might want to schedule a meeting with you, got to do is, Mark your Cita.
Meaning, this long time consuming process so many unnecessary steps said above are being cut short now. Once you add your free time slots to your Cita platform, anybody can select the time slot they are comfortable with to get the meeting with you. If they book a meeting with you, you and your client both will be notified via email. Finally you and your client both get the necessary reminders prior to the call as well. Let’s say you or your client want to reschedule or cancel a meeting, then that also can be easily done through Cita. Once the meeting / call is canceled or rescheduled, both parties get a notification.
See … Cita makes your life easier.
Is it really important ?
Indeed it is. As I have mentioned before this is a necessity you did not know you needed. Because Cita drastically improves your appearance as a professional and as a brand. Your clients and customers can connect with you actively and that reduces the distance between you and your clients or customers. Usually what most brands have on their website as a method of contacting them is email addresses. Sometimes email does not serve the purpose well. You could miss an email easily. If you live in a different timezone from your potential clients, you are definitely going to miss some of the greatest opportunities that await you, while you are tightly asleep.
If you have a Cita link integrated to your website, your potential client can through the link and book themselves a timeslot. That way you do not miss any appointments. Not even one appointment! As Cita notifies you of the booking and will give you timely reminders as well.
This way your appearance and your brand’s appearance is improved. Your brand reputation automatically entangled with the reliability, credibility and efficiency. Those qualities are only going to boost you and your brand higher in the marketplace.
Cita really can save the day for you.
You don’t believe it ? Let me show you how Cita is going to be your hero of the day. Cita will save you so much time and will help you manage your time very productively.The time that is wasted away for confirming meetings can be used for something much more useful . Nomore back and forth emails.
Normally forgetting about an appointment or a meeting or a call that you told you would make is normal. It is a very human thing but it damages your reputation as a professional and as a brand. The meetings, calls and appointments booked with Cita will never be missed out as Cita will remind of them.
Let’s say most of your clients live in a different timezone. So their emails of requesting meetings may go unseen. But if they could mark your Cita, you get the notification. And again a reminder too.
You can use Cita to smoothen the flow of your day with or without a website. You can integrate your Cita link to your email body or email signature. Also you can share your link via text messages and other communication methods. Cita link is very versatile and makes your scheduling a lot less complicated.
With all of these benefits, Cita saves not only your day, but also your reputation, the reputation of your brand and your credibility which will allow you to stand out in the marketplace.